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Stockdale ISD

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What are the Effects of Dyslexia?

  • The impact that dyslexia has is different for each person and depends on the severity of the condition md the effectiveness of instruction or remediation. The core difficulty is with word recognition and reading fluency, spelling, and writing. Some individuals with dyslexia manage to learn early reading and spelling tasks, especially with excellent instruction, but later experience their most debilitating problems when more complex language skills are required, such as grammar, understanding textbook material, and writing essays.

  • People with dyslexia can also have problems with spoken language, even after they have been exposed to good language models in their homes and good language instruction in school. They may find it difficult to express themselves clearly, or to fully comprehend what others mean when they speak. Such language problems are often difficult to recognize, but they can lead to major problems in school, in the workplace, and in relating to other people. The effects of dyslexia reach well beyond the classroom.

  • Dyslexia can also affect a person's self-image. Learners with dyslexia often end up feeling less capable than they actually are. After experiencing a great deal of stress due to academic problems, a learner may become discouraged about continuing in school.